Monthly Revenue

Unit: NT$ thousands

Month Revenue of this month same period of previous year Revenue compared to same period of previous year Revenue compared to same period of previous year(%) Cumulative revenue to this month Cumulative revenue at the same period of previous year Revenue compared to same period of previous year Revenue compared to same period of previous year(%)
1 157,379 241,467 -84,088 -34.82 157,379 241,467 -84,088 -34.82
2 167,017 117,990 49,027 41.55 324,396 359,457 -35,061 -9.75
3 130,875 181,579 -50,704 -27.92 455,272 541,036 -8,5764 -15.85
4 138,601 141,178 -2,577 -1.83 593,873 682,214 -88,341 -12.95
5 185,152 279,353 -94,201 -33.72 779,025 961,567 -182,542 -18.98
6 236,504 203,850 32,654 16.02 1,015,529 1,165,417 -149,888 -12.86
7 157,127 229,932 -72,805 -31.66 1,172,657 1,395,350 -222,693 -15.96
8 176,634 163,404 13,230 8.10 1,349,291 1,558,755 -209,464 -13.44
9 175,583 134,277 41,306 30.76 1,525,005 1,693,032 -168,027 -9.92
10 174,748 136,905 37,843 27.64 1,699,753 1,829,938 -130,185 -7.11
11 250,146 173,834 76,312 43.90 1,949,900 2,003,773 -58,873 -2.69
12 196,996 153,687 43,309 28.18 2,146,896 2,157,460 -10,564 -0.49
1 241,467 227,241 14,226 6.26 241,467 227,241 14,226 6.26
2 117,990 134,407 -16,417 -12.21 359,457 361,648 -2,191 -0.61
3 181,579 253,082 -71,503 -28.25 541,036 614,730 -73,694 -11.99
4 141,178 184,323 -43,145 -23.41 682,214 799,053 -116,839 -14.62
5 279,353 304,665 -25,312 -8.31 961,567 1,103,718 -142,151 -12.88
6 203,850 201,760 2,090 1.04 1,165,417 1,305,479 -140,062 -10.73
7 229,932 212,786 17,146 8.06 1,395,350 1,518,260 -122,910 -8.10
8 163,404 306,497 -143,093 -46.69 1,558,755 1,824,757 -266,002 -14.58
9 134,277 233,641 -99,364 -42.53 1,693,032 2,058,403 -365,371 -17.75
10 136,905 210,962 -74,057 -35.10 1,829,938 2,269,366 -439,428 -19.36
11 173,834 220,847 -47,013 -21.29 2,003,773 2,490,213 -486,440 -19.53
12 153,687 179,165 -25,478 -14.22 2,157,460 2,669,379 -511,919 -19.18
1 227,241 185,347 41,894 22.60 227,241 185,347 41,894 22.60
2 134,407 170,163 -35,756 -21.01 361,648 355,510 6,138 1.73
3 253,082 183,809 69,273 37.69 614,730 539,319 75,411 13.98
4 184,323 166,442 17,881 10.74 799,053 705,762 93,291 13.22
5 304,665 163,373 141,292 86.48 1,103,718 869,134 234,584 26.99
6 201,760 213,438 -11,678 -5.47 1,305,479 1,082,570 222,909 20.59
7 212,786 287,861 -75,075 -26.08 1,518,260 1,370,432 147,828 10.79
8 306,497 209,850 96,647 46.06 1,824,757 1,580,283 244,474 15.47
9 233,641 185,205 48,436 26.15 2,058,403 1,765,488 292,915 16.59
10 210,962 178,690 32,272 18.06 2,269,366 1,944,178 325,188 16.73
11 220,847 237,333 -16,486 -6.95 2,490,213 2,181,515 308,698 14.15
12 179,165 197,286 -18,121 -9.19 2,669,379 2,378,801 290,578 12.22
1 185,347 165,414 19,933 12.05 185,347 165,414 19,933 12.05
2 170,163 160,344 9,819 6.12 355,510 325,759 29,751 9.13
3 183,809 192,450 -8,641 -4.49 539,319 518,209 21,110 4.07
4 166,442 138,397 28,045 20.26 705,762 656,606 49,156 7.49
5 163,373 159,245 4,128 2.59 869,134 815,851 53,283 6.53
6 213,438 188,984 24,454 12.94 1,082,570 1,004,835 77,735 7.74
7 287,861 240,945 46,916 19.47 1,370,432 1,245,780 124,652 10.01
8 209,850 191,602 18,248 9.52 1,580,283 1,437,383 142,900 9.94
9 185,205 194,188 -8,983 -4.63 1,765,488 1,631,571 133,917 8.21
10 178,690 214,384 -35,694 -16.65 1,944,178 1,845,954 98,224 5.32
11 237,333 179,377 57,956 32.31 2,181,515 2,025,332 156,183 7.71
12 197,286 213,256 -15,970 -7.49 2,378,801 2,238,588 140,213 6.26
1 165,414 192,157 -26,743 -13.92 165,414 192,157 -26,743 -13.92
2 160,344 131,022 29,322 22.38 325,759 323,179 2,580 0.80
3 192,450 192,036 414 0.22 518,209 515,215 2,994 0.58
4 138,397 153,983 -15,586 -10.12 656,606 669,198 -12,592 -1.88
5 159,245 195,678 -36,433 -18.62 815,851 864,876 -49,025 -5.67
6 188,984 253,354 -64,370 -25.41 1,004,835 1,118,231 -113,396 -10.14
7 240,945 260,865 -19,920 -7.64 1,245,780 1,379,096 -133,316 -9.67
8 191,602 237,353 -45,751 -19.28 1,437,383 1,616,449 -179,066 -11.08
9 194,188 275,155 -80,967 -29.43 1,631,571 1,891,603 -260,032 -13.75
10 214,384 155,412 58,972 37.95 1,845,954 2,047,016 -201,062 -9.82
11 179,377 207,533 -28,156 -13.57 2,025,332 2,254,549 -229,217 -10.17
12 213,256 191,026 22,230 11.64 2,238,588 2,445,575 -206,987 -8.46
Quarterly Results Announcement
Year Quarter 1
IFRS Consolidated Statements
Quarter 2
IFRS Consolidated Statements
Quarter 3
IFRS Consolidated Statements
Quarter 4
IFRS Consolidated Statements
Quarter 4
IFRS individual financial report
Financial report
Year Quarter 1
IFRS financial report
Quarter 2
IFRS financial report
Quarter 3
IFRS financial report
Quarter 4
IFRS financial report
Quarter 4
IFRS individual financial report
Information of Investor Briefing

2024 Investor Briefings:
1.DATE: 2024/12/19
2.TIME: PM3:00
3.Venue: First Securities Inc.(7th Floor, No. 22, Section 1,Chang'an
East Road, Taipei)
4.Main Information of the meeting:
The company was invited to participate in a investor briefing
held by First Financial Securities to talk about the company's
recent financial and operational overview.
5.Other information :
The meeting materials will be uploaded onto according to regulations.
For complete financial and business information, please refer
to the list of investor briefings or legal briefing projects on the
Public Information Observatory.
6.Presentation Material

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Previous Investor Briefings
Year Date Content Chinese
202312/21The company was invited to participate in a investor briefing held by First Financial Securities to talk about the company's recent financial and operational overview.
202212/22The company was invited to participate in a investor briefing held by First Financial Securities to talk about the company's recent financial and operational overview.
202112/22The company was invited to participate in a investor briefing held by First Financial Securities to talk about the company's recent financial and operational overview.
202012/25The company was invited to participate in a investor briefing held by First Financial Securities to talk about the company's recent financial and operational overview.
201910/29The company was invited to participate in a investor briefing held by First Financial Securities to talk about the company's recent financial and operational overview.
201810/19The company was invited to participate in a investor briefing held by First Financial Securities to talk about the company's recent financial and operational overview.

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