Monthly Revenue
Unit: NT$ thousands
Month | Revenue of this month | same period of previous year | Revenue compared to same period of previous year | Revenue compared to same period of previous year(%) | Cumulative revenue to this month | Cumulative revenue at the same period of previous year | Revenue compared to same period of previous year | Revenue compared to same period of previous year(%) |
1 | 157,379 | 241,467 | -84,088 | -34.82 | 157,379 | 241,467 | -84,088 | -34.82 |
2 | 167,017 | 117,990 | 49,027 | 41.55 | 324,396 | 359,457 | -35,061 | -9.75 |
3 | 130,875 | 181,579 | -50,704 | -27.92 | 455,272 | 541,036 | -8,5764 | -15.85 |
4 | 138,601 | 141,178 | -2,577 | -1.83 | 593,873 | 682,214 | -88,341 | -12.95 |
5 | 185,152 | 279,353 | -94,201 | -33.72 | 779,025 | 961,567 | -182,542 | -18.98 |
6 | 236,504 | 203,850 | 32,654 | 16.02 | 1,015,529 | 1,165,417 | -149,888 | -12.86 |
7 | 157,127 | 229,932 | -72,805 | -31.66 | 1,172,657 | 1,395,350 | -222,693 | -15.96 |
8 | 176,634 | 163,404 | 13,230 | 8.10 | 1,349,291 | 1,558,755 | -209,464 | -13.44 |
9 | 175,583 | 134,277 | 41,306 | 30.76 | 1,525,005 | 1,693,032 | -168,027 | -9.92 |
10 | 174,748 | 136,905 | 37,843 | 27.64 | 1,699,753 | 1,829,938 | -130,185 | -7.11 |
11 | 250,146 | 173,834 | 76,312 | 43.90 | 1,949,900 | 2,003,773 | -58,873 | -2.69 |
12 | 196,996 | 153,687 | 43,309 | 28.18 | 2,146,896 | 2,157,460 | -10,564 | -0.49 |
1 | 241,467 | 227,241 | 14,226 | 6.26 | 241,467 | 227,241 | 14,226 | 6.26 |
2 | 117,990 | 134,407 | -16,417 | -12.21 | 359,457 | 361,648 | -2,191 | -0.61 |
3 | 181,579 | 253,082 | -71,503 | -28.25 | 541,036 | 614,730 | -73,694 | -11.99 |
4 | 141,178 | 184,323 | -43,145 | -23.41 | 682,214 | 799,053 | -116,839 | -14.62 |
5 | 279,353 | 304,665 | -25,312 | -8.31 | 961,567 | 1,103,718 | -142,151 | -12.88 |
6 | 203,850 | 201,760 | 2,090 | 1.04 | 1,165,417 | 1,305,479 | -140,062 | -10.73 |
7 | 229,932 | 212,786 | 17,146 | 8.06 | 1,395,350 | 1,518,260 | -122,910 | -8.10 |
8 | 163,404 | 306,497 | -143,093 | -46.69 | 1,558,755 | 1,824,757 | -266,002 | -14.58 |
9 | 134,277 | 233,641 | -99,364 | -42.53 | 1,693,032 | 2,058,403 | -365,371 | -17.75 |
10 | 136,905 | 210,962 | -74,057 | -35.10 | 1,829,938 | 2,269,366 | -439,428 | -19.36 |
11 | 173,834 | 220,847 | -47,013 | -21.29 | 2,003,773 | 2,490,213 | -486,440 | -19.53 |
12 | 153,687 | 179,165 | -25,478 | -14.22 | 2,157,460 | 2,669,379 | -511,919 | -19.18 |
1 | 227,241 | 185,347 | 41,894 | 22.60 | 227,241 | 185,347 | 41,894 | 22.60 |
2 | 134,407 | 170,163 | -35,756 | -21.01 | 361,648 | 355,510 | 6,138 | 1.73 |
3 | 253,082 | 183,809 | 69,273 | 37.69 | 614,730 | 539,319 | 75,411 | 13.98 |
4 | 184,323 | 166,442 | 17,881 | 10.74 | 799,053 | 705,762 | 93,291 | 13.22 |
5 | 304,665 | 163,373 | 141,292 | 86.48 | 1,103,718 | 869,134 | 234,584 | 26.99 |
6 | 201,760 | 213,438 | -11,678 | -5.47 | 1,305,479 | 1,082,570 | 222,909 | 20.59 |
7 | 212,786 | 287,861 | -75,075 | -26.08 | 1,518,260 | 1,370,432 | 147,828 | 10.79 |
8 | 306,497 | 209,850 | 96,647 | 46.06 | 1,824,757 | 1,580,283 | 244,474 | 15.47 |
9 | 233,641 | 185,205 | 48,436 | 26.15 | 2,058,403 | 1,765,488 | 292,915 | 16.59 |
10 | 210,962 | 178,690 | 32,272 | 18.06 | 2,269,366 | 1,944,178 | 325,188 | 16.73 |
11 | 220,847 | 237,333 | -16,486 | -6.95 | 2,490,213 | 2,181,515 | 308,698 | 14.15 |
12 | 179,165 | 197,286 | -18,121 | -9.19 | 2,669,379 | 2,378,801 | 290,578 | 12.22 |
1 | 185,347 | 165,414 | 19,933 | 12.05 | 185,347 | 165,414 | 19,933 | 12.05 |
2 | 170,163 | 160,344 | 9,819 | 6.12 | 355,510 | 325,759 | 29,751 | 9.13 |
3 | 183,809 | 192,450 | -8,641 | -4.49 | 539,319 | 518,209 | 21,110 | 4.07 |
4 | 166,442 | 138,397 | 28,045 | 20.26 | 705,762 | 656,606 | 49,156 | 7.49 |
5 | 163,373 | 159,245 | 4,128 | 2.59 | 869,134 | 815,851 | 53,283 | 6.53 |
6 | 213,438 | 188,984 | 24,454 | 12.94 | 1,082,570 | 1,004,835 | 77,735 | 7.74 |
7 | 287,861 | 240,945 | 46,916 | 19.47 | 1,370,432 | 1,245,780 | 124,652 | 10.01 |
8 | 209,850 | 191,602 | 18,248 | 9.52 | 1,580,283 | 1,437,383 | 142,900 | 9.94 |
9 | 185,205 | 194,188 | -8,983 | -4.63 | 1,765,488 | 1,631,571 | 133,917 | 8.21 |
10 | 178,690 | 214,384 | -35,694 | -16.65 | 1,944,178 | 1,845,954 | 98,224 | 5.32 |
11 | 237,333 | 179,377 | 57,956 | 32.31 | 2,181,515 | 2,025,332 | 156,183 | 7.71 |
12 | 197,286 | 213,256 | -15,970 | -7.49 | 2,378,801 | 2,238,588 | 140,213 | 6.26 |
1 | 165,414 | 192,157 | -26,743 | -13.92 | 165,414 | 192,157 | -26,743 | -13.92 |
2 | 160,344 | 131,022 | 29,322 | 22.38 | 325,759 | 323,179 | 2,580 | 0.80 |
3 | 192,450 | 192,036 | 414 | 0.22 | 518,209 | 515,215 | 2,994 | 0.58 |
4 | 138,397 | 153,983 | -15,586 | -10.12 | 656,606 | 669,198 | -12,592 | -1.88 |
5 | 159,245 | 195,678 | -36,433 | -18.62 | 815,851 | 864,876 | -49,025 | -5.67 |
6 | 188,984 | 253,354 | -64,370 | -25.41 | 1,004,835 | 1,118,231 | -113,396 | -10.14 |
7 | 240,945 | 260,865 | -19,920 | -7.64 | 1,245,780 | 1,379,096 | -133,316 | -9.67 |
8 | 191,602 | 237,353 | -45,751 | -19.28 | 1,437,383 | 1,616,449 | -179,066 | -11.08 |
9 | 194,188 | 275,155 | -80,967 | -29.43 | 1,631,571 | 1,891,603 | -260,032 | -13.75 |
10 | 214,384 | 155,412 | 58,972 | 37.95 | 1,845,954 | 2,047,016 | -201,062 | -9.82 |
11 | 179,377 | 207,533 | -28,156 | -13.57 | 2,025,332 | 2,254,549 | -229,217 | -10.17 |
12 | 213,256 | 191,026 | 22,230 | 11.64 | 2,238,588 | 2,445,575 | -206,987 | -8.46 |
Information of Investor Briefing
2024 Investor Briefings:
1.DATE: 2024/12/19
2.TIME: PM3:00
3.Venue: First Securities Inc.(7th Floor, No. 22, Section 1,Chang'an
East Road, Taipei)
4.Main Information of the meeting:
The company was invited to participate in a investor briefing
held by First Financial Securities to talk about the company's
recent financial and operational overview.
5.Other information :
The meeting materials will be uploaded onto according to regulations.
For complete financial and business information, please refer
to the list of investor briefings or legal briefing projects on the
Public Information Observatory.
6.Presentation Material